Frequently Asked Questions

Updating your contact details

Company details

If you need your practice name, username, logo or client colours updated, please send an email to detailing the changes you’d like us to make. 

If you need your logo updated, please attach a high resolution file of your new logo. 

Contact details

If you need to change any contact details on your account (e.g. address, phone number, disclaimer), select your client ID in the top menu to edit these details.

Can we have more than one address on our newsletters?

You’re able to have multiple addresses on your newsletters, but keep in mind that the template allows for only one Google Map. Some practices choose to have the map display the location of their primary office, or choose to remove it all together. 

Can we include a link in our disclaimer?

Yes, if you would like to add a link to your FSCG within your disclaimer, we can add this in. Please contact us directly with the text and link to your FSCG.